This EXCITING new technology  breathes new life into your marketing material by engaging the audience in new and innovative ways.



This EXCITING new technology  breathes new life into your marketing material by engaging the audience in new and innovative ways.

Why use Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality helps brands tell a story, deliver key messages and present their products. AR bridges the gap between the digital and real world. AR is not limited by square footage and can take you anywhere now. Some Brands have gone as far as to incorporate AR into the actual product, enhancing not only the shopping  experience but the overall brand experience too.

Marketing Ideas:
Interactive POP Displays
Interactive Store Signage
Interactive Brochures (All Printed Material)
Interactive Wayfinding/Navigation
Interactive Scavenger/Treasure Hunts
In-Store AR Coupons/Sales/Exclusive Offers
In-Store AR Characters/Announcements/Shopping Advisor
Trade Show AR Experiences/Navigations


The Goal: To provide a measurable interactive digital experience that will educate, inform and engage consumers like never before.


Interested in Augmented Reality?

Call or send an email to James BurghgraefCSP